And the Game (cricket) goes on! The people at the top are supposed, in most circumstances, to be responsible for standards in any Game, are still there (Sutherland); three young men have had a most extraordinary punishment administered; one is being steadily scapegoated by the media so that not only is he out of the Game he has played for most of his life, but his livelihood is threatened and his family’s future jeopardised.
And the media self righteously makes demands they could not possibly meet themselves…
A glance at the SMH 31 March How does Australians’ punishment compare shows that once again we, and particularly the media have gone over-board.
What a picture of the Australian “fair go” we have seen in the past week or so.
And now we have seen a verdict and punishment handed out before an enquiry. ..even in a Court of Law punishment is influenced by precedence – but not with the AC.
A fair go????